A aluna de doutorado do Labiin Débora Toledo levou ao 13º Congresso Paulista de Infectologia três trabalhos intitulados "Análise nutricional, social e status plasmático dos mediadores inflamatórios IL-17, IL-33, CXCL16 e CCL2 em gestantes com toxoplasmose" dos autores Débora Nonato M de Toledo, Priscilla...
Para o e-book, acesse: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/17362/novel-insights-into-the-immune-mechanisms-associated-with-the-pathogenesis-of-chagas-disease
"When I was a young student, I dreamt of being an architect. But then I understood that microbes and parasites play an important role in our health: I started thinking of them as of the main cause of many diseases and I decided that, through my work, I could help many people."
Para ler a notícia na íntegra acesse: https://twas.org/article/fighting-parasites-saving-lives?fbclid=IwAR32cfguTLGPqwCRLeWPZ8iJ4jYcDRQ4Fzcf_zsqdC_EtM85wjJu6Dx8nGY